Techweek’s content platform is a knowledge-sharing platform aimed at plugging all knowledge gaps that entrepreneurs face as they scale their businesses into Hero Companies*. It is a “one-stop-platform” to help ensure entrepreneurs have all the knowledge and tools they need when building / scaling their company.

The platform is designed specifically for founders and entrepreneurs to help bridge their key development needs right from an early stage startup to a scale business:


There are 5 main categories of content that we cover, spanning the core development needs discussed above

  • Entrepreneur Stories :   Successful entrepreneurs talk about their story of personal and professional growth.
  • Business Formation :   Operators and investors share tactical knowledge on scaling business functions.
  • Business Evaluation :   Investors provide feedback on business models and thoughts on raising capital.
  • Sector Focus :   Sector specific experts talk about key trends and, innovations and disruptions in that vertical.
  • Ecosystem focus :   Why a certain geographic ecosystem is more suitable for becoming a successful startup hub.

Our content is currently sourced from:

  • Techweek events :   Interviews, keynotes, panels etc. with thoughts leaders via our physical events.
  • Contributor Network :   We engage with a network of contributors who regularly share content with us.
  • Techweek Research :   Create search and monitoring engines, highlighting people and businesses that matter.

Learn more about how you can contribute to the platform here.