David Behen, DTMB Director and Michigan CIO, shares his vision of a citizen-centric government by creating a digitized Michigan. He talks about how big data powers the MiPage app and helps bring services that the state has to offer to its citizens through a push of a button.

Some of our key takeaways from the conversation:

  1. Serving Citizens As Customers:
    Michigan is striving to create a citizen-centric government and take the services it has to offer to its citizens. It intends to proactively use the data available, in a way to better serve the citizens and make services with government easier, effective, and more efficient.
  2. Fighting Cyber Crimes:
    Warding off cyber crimes and creating a secured channel for its users is indispensable to the success of the citizen-centric government. The state has created the Michigan Cyber Civilian Corps and believes in creating several private and public partnerships to develop numerous mitigation strategies and software.

Below are some of the key points and moments from the conversation:

  • 3:04 – Emphasized on creating a citizen-centric government, using mobile-first strategy, big data, and cybersecurity
  • 8:33 – Usage of mobile technology and the data to improve customer service for citizens and businesses
  • 14:30 – Big data for predictive analytics for MiPage app, state police, investigating frauds, and additional services
  • 18:04 – Cybersecurity is essential for success of MiPage app, Michigan Cyber Civilian Corps
  • 20:52 – Public-private partnerships
  • 22:24 – Q&A – Is there any way where all the data on different national programs, such as the student loans, can be found in one place?
  • 23:26 – Q&A – Will Michigan start electronic voting? What is the state doing to prevent DDoS attacks on small businesses?


DTMB Director and Michigan CIO